Smart website optimisation

The development of a new website is a time-consuming and complicated job. It often takes months of preparation before the website can go live. That is far from ideal as the plans you made in preparation for your website may already be outdated by the time of going live. So how do you prevent all your hard work from being in vain? And how will you be able to know whether all your plans will actually improve your website? The answer to this: Website optimisation. With website optimisation, you continue to optimise your website after launch so that it always stays up-to-date and remains successful long term.

Website optimalisatie

Continuous learning and improvement

It is often thought that if a website is live, it is ready. But that's not true. A website is never really finished. In fact, it actually only starts after going live. In the digital landscape, technological developments follow each other quickly and you will notice that your website quickly becomes outdated. As a company, it is important to remain interesting and relevant. In addition, it is important to offer personalised content. Day in, day out. This is the only way to create a great customer experience.

Serving your customers optimally every day requires a smart approach. An ongoing approach. Website optimisation, or Growth Driven Design in HubSpot terms, is a form of web design where constant improvements are made after each other quickly and non-stop. Instead of doing everything at once, this strategic approach ensures that your activities are broken down into manageable pieces and thus allows you to continuously optimize based on data. This means less time pressure and a successful website in the long term.

The 5 benefits of website optimisation

  • It contributes to the growth of your business
  • Continuous growth of leads
  • Less time pressure and investment costs
  • Better online discoverability
  • Successful website, also in the long run
Website optimisation
  • Phase 1 | Setting goals and preliminary research

    We start our journey by setting specific goals. What would we like to achieve together? Based on this, we determine the measurable goals and KPIs. We also map out your ideal target group via buyer personas. We also conduct preliminary research into your website. By diving into your website, we determine the initial situation and how this relates to the determined goals.

  • Phase 2 | Choosing a strategy

    With the preliminary investigation, we have defined the initial situation and have probably identified some important points that we will have to pay attention to. Based on this, we determine the strategy. How can we ensure that we will achieve our goals? By setting goals, conducting preliminary research, and determining a strategy, we will know what the next phase is going to look like: data collection.

  • Phase 3 | Collecting data and continuous improvement

    Now we move on to the action: data collection, testing, and optimisation! With the collected data we gain valuable insight into our adjustments, and we will be able to track which of these are improvements and which aren’t. For example, you can think of optimisations based on speed, information & content, user-friendliness, or design. This process keeps repeating itself so that you can continue to focus on your work and the success of your website. 

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We help companies grow

As a Growth Agency, we think along with companies from strategy to execution. Together we will achieve your business goals!

With our team of specialists, we’ll find a strategy that fits your business and make sure potential customers find you instead of you finding them. 

Vet Grows

Do you also want a successful website?

With our team of specialists, we have the ideal mix to develop successful websites.

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During an approximately 30-minute call, we will discuss all your questions, goals and challenges. I will then be happy to help you further with an approach that suits your needs.

Choose a time in my calendar and I will contact you by phone. See you soon!

Stijn Werther
Sales Executive